

二月份美國法律界比較有趣的發展,是目前由民主黨掌握多數的國會,對於司法部最近半年多換掉七、八位地方檢察長(U.S. Attorney)的作為感到不放心。民主黨不僅打算修改Patriot Act,將任命臨時檢察長的方式,回復到原有的作法,縮小司法部任命人選的代理時間。同時也開始調查這些解任行動是否出於政治動機。

另外,哈佛大學著名自由派憲法教授Laurence Tribe出任Akin Gump(安慶)律師事務所兼任顧問,衍生出法律學術與商業之間是否衝突與如何調和的報導。美國法律界支持法官加薪的動作,也繼續擴散加溫。

  • 03/03 01:25, 2007

  • 引述 :『Iglesias this week said he believes he was dismissed because he resisted pressure by two members of Congress to rush indictments before last year's election in an investigation of an alleged Democratic kickback scheme.』

    標註 ─ 事情越來越有趣了,被換掉的聯邦地方檢察長(U.S. Attorney)之中,有人表示是基於政治原因。參眾兩院司法委員會要傳喚其中四位到聴證會作證。

  • 02/14 20:06, 2007

    引述 :『ABA President Karen Mathis told her membership Monday that district judges, who earn $165,200 a year, certainly should be paid more than first-year lawyers at New York City firms. Starting annual salaries there now are $160,000.

    Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker recently wrote that district judges would be making roughly $100,000 a year more today had their pay risen at the same pace as U.S. salaries generally.』

    標註 ─
    1. 美國律師協會也支持地院法官加薪。
    2. 如果依照一般薪水上漲幅度,應該加年薪十萬。

  • 02/14 01:29, 2007

    引述 :『The Judiciary Committee on Feb. 8, voting 13-6, approved a bill returning the law to its pre-Patriot Act form. Under prior law, for almost two decades, the attorney general could appoint someone to fill the vacancy for 120 days. If no permanent replacement was nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate at the end of 120 days, the chief judge of the federal district in which the vacancy occurred would appoint an interim prosecutor to serve until the president acted.

    But as long as U.S. Attorneys are considered "inferior officers" under the Constitution, as they are now, the Constitution allows Congress to forgo its advise and consent power and to give the appointing authority to the president alone, heads of departments or to courts』

    標註 ─
    1. 國會對U.S. Attorney(聯邦地方檢察長)相當關切,雖然屬於inferior officer,但是原則上還是要經過參院同意。
    2. 布希政府關切行政權力的單一與集中(unitary executive theory),不喜舊法中讓法院有機會決定U.S. Attorney的部分。
    3. 布希政府就U.S. Attorney職位,似乎也在玩排除異己與安插親貴的遊戲。

  • 02/11 13:43, 2007

    引述 :『二、…多元而專業的時代,法官原就不可能是任何領域的專家,而法官在專業方面的空白,正是沒有成見,能作公平審判的重要基石。當事人兩造無能提出專業意見,透過詰問與辯論說服法官,是當事人的過錯,不在法官的無知。





    標註 ─ 章忠信的讜論,注意到專家證人制度未受良好使用,與專家偏見的危險。

  • 02/09 23:16, 2007

    引述 :『Tribe, who has been a law professor for 37 years, said he discussed his arrangement at Akin Gump with the law school's administration. The school's policy restricts full-time professors from undertaking outside endeavors that demand more than 20 percent of their work time, he said. His work ethic and his experience allayed any concerns from the administration, he said. Tribe added that he expects the arrangement to save him time and allow him to devote more energy to pro bono projects.』

    標註 ─ 討論美國法學院教授在律師事務所兼職的目前發展、優缺點與相關限制

  • 01/30 22:56, 2007

    引述 :『Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye on Friday termed the ongoing and as yet unsuccessful battle for judicial pay raises the "ultimate assault on judicial independence."』

    標註 ─ 州法官也在推動加薪!要州最高法院院長帶頭去遊說州議會為法官加薪,真是有點情何以堪。


